Web Systems Developer
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Since 2019 I study and develop personal web and desktop projects with Python and Django, with the intention of changing my professional career and improving myself more and more so that I can work as a programmer, be part of a development team, contribute to more advanced projects and have the possibility of increasing responsibilities and participation to generate value for an employer or a customer.
From 2004 to the end of 2018, I worked as a Freelancer, creating management systems in Excel and performing IT services.
António Manuel da Silva Calheiros Neves
+351 912951631
Oeiras, Lisbon, Portugal
Portuguese - native
English - fluent
Spanish - fluent
French - intermediate
Since June 2024
Full time - Lisbon
Technologies: Python, Django, PostgreSql, Apache Airflow, Flyway.
December 2021 - January 2024
Full time - Lisbon
I was part of the back end team in the company AMA, in the development of the Portal Mais Transparência as a Python Developer.
Using Python, Pandas and Apache Airflow and taking advantage of existing code, I increased the automation capabilities for collecting data from different entities, validating the collected data and loading it into databases in different development environments.
This entire process was automated, with the different steps orchestrated through Apache Airflow.
I refactored and standardized the existing code for the entire EVTL process, for all the different themes on the site and facilitated the entry of new thematic areas.
With Python and SQL I created the necessary data validations before loading into the final tables, allowing us to confirm that the data we received from the entities is correct and presented in the way we need on the Portal.
Essentially, I was responsible for the entire EVTL process (Extraction, Validation, Transformation and Loading).
Using the Flyway application, I contributed to changing the procedures and work routines, which allowed us to start keeping a history with Git of all the SQL scripts needed for the four different environments, and also facilitate the recreation of the structure of a SQL database from scratch.
Because of the large amount of Excel files made available by different entities and because we need updated these files on the computers of different team members, I created a desktop application with Python and Tkinter, so that the entire team can update the necessary files in a simple way.
This application creates on the user's computer a structure of folders separated by entity providing the data, downloads the files for each entity from the data source API and organizes the files in their respective folders, excluding the oldest ones.
Technologies: Python, Django, PostgreSql, Apache Airflow, Flyway.
November 2020 - November 2021
Self-employed - Personal project
Personal project of a complete web school management system, Academic, Pedagogical and Financial sectors. (still developing)
I have been developing this project by myself from scratch.
Through the knowledge acquired by working in several schools, it was possible to know the requirements and specifications necessary for the system, facilitating the creation and modeling of the PostgreSQL database.
On the back-end I use the Python language and the Django framework, on the front-end I use HTML, CSS and the Bootstrap framework which facilitates the design with grid and flex, meets the needs of javascript and also allows the system to be responsive, for use on various platforms.
During development and after testing to ensure that all works properly, I use the Git version control system which together with Github, makes it possible for a continuous delivery of what is being developed, both for a shared hosting and for Heroku .
Technologies: Python, Django, PostgreSql, Html, Css, Bootstrap.
Since August 2021
Self-employed - Personal project
Personal web full stack project for my Portfolio, CV and Blog, in back end I use Python and Django, PostgreSql database, in front end pure Html and Css.
Technologies: Python, Django, PostgreSql, Html, Css.
January 2020 - November 2021
Freelancer - Brazil
Creation of several specific desktop applications for registration and organizing documents to schools, shops and small offices.
Technologies: Python, Kivy, SQLite and PostgreSql.
January 2015 - August 2020
Freelancer - Brazil
Computerization and digitization of the entire school management
and control system, Academic, Pedagogical and Financial sectors.
Technical assistance, implementation of features and
improvements to the management system.
Technologies: Excel, Windows, Linux, Microsoft Office.
January 2004 - December 2019
Freelancer - Portugal, Spain and Brazil
Development of management systems and Excel spreadsheets.
Provision of various services as Freelance Computer Technician,
Technical assistance and consultancy.
Technologies: Excel, Windows, Linux, Microsoft Office.
Web System for organization and categorization for YouTube channels and playlists.
Python, Django, Html, Css, Postgresql and Bootstrap4
Custom authentication and user account control template for Django.
Python, Django, Html, Css and Postgresql
CD, DVD and Book Library.
Python, Kivy and SQLite